Next-generation Population Optimization

From small insects to the largest animals, find the optimal pairs to minimize inbreeding while maximizing your efficiency.

Take your population to the next level

Optimize your population with Kinshipper while saving valuable time and money. Kinshipper has been successfully tested since 2019 at the University of Bayreuth and is now being prepared to be released to you.

Minimize Inbreeding

Kinshipper can calculate the optimal breeding pairs for you, whether you need a single couple or an entire next generation.

Save time

With Kinshipper, getting the next generation of pairings is not only fast, but is also super easy!

Reduce Costs

Populations bred with Kinshipper deteriorate slower, saving you time and money replacing individuals.

Reliable Metrics

Kinshipper enables a detailed assessment of your population, either to track its progress or compare it to others.

Save the Headache

Kinshipper is built with the primary focus to make your workflow as painless as possible.

Animal friendly

By controlling the inbreeding parameters, Kinshipper enables you to minimize homozygosity and avoid deleterious traits spreading in your population.

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Markus Conrad